
~my thoughts about life~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Where I've Been...

I haven't blogged in so long and didn't realize until this moment how much I had missed it! I started off by reading my favorite blogger and catching up on all of her clever insights I had missed out on since I've been gone. And that made me want to share what I've been up to (not that anyone is reading...but still).

April- we went on vacation to the Smoky Mountains. Oh, the pure bliss of staying in my pajamas 'til 3, reading novels, playing Scrabble, sightseeing, and relaxing in the hot tub while cold rain pelted my nose. I could take a vacation like that once a month! It was so relaxing and enjoyable. It made the two vomit experiences on the way down not so bad.

May- Hubby and I celebrated our 14th anniversary in New York City, a first for me. It was only a day and a half so I made sure to cram a week's worth of sightseeing in a short time. It amazed me to see famous sights I had seen on television so many times and to realize Tom Hanks stood RIGHT HERE! The only celebrity we noticed was Lionel Richie, which was pretty cool, even though I'm not really a fan. We walked so many miles that it took several weeks for my knees to recover. I would definitely do it again. Oh, and eat at John's Pizzeria again!

June- the kids are now out of school and this large 4-bedroom house suddenly seems very small. They have actually been pretty good so far. The first few days were a battle until they remembered how I crack the whip! If I could just keep them from fighting with one another, they would be pretty close to perfect. I'm blessed.

I have also turned another year older since I last documented my thoughts. But we don't need to discuss that. My recently turned 9-year-old asked me what we did special for my birthday. I thought, quickly trying to come up with something sweet to say so as not to disappoint him, but nothing came to mind. I tried to gently explain to him that Mama is the one who does the special things for birthdays so when it's Mama's birthday.....

That did not please him and he is now adamant, along with Little Sis, to do something special for Mama since she didn't get anything special on her birthday. So sweet. I guess I've done something right to deserve kids like that. Now, if they would just go have a little talk with hubby......

Summer has been so lovely thus far. I avoided the use of my air conditioning for as long as possible. But it's now humming happily and I am no longer sticky and stinky. But I miss the sweet, clean breeze blowing in the windows, no matter how sticky. Our flowers are prettier than ever this year and I've really enjoyed nature. I tried my hand at flower planting this year and have really enjoyed watching the little seeds start to grow. Next year I'll have to start earlier so we can actually have flowers before early fall. Until then, I'll still enjoy the little green shoots and be happy that I accomplished a little bit of a green thumb, even though it's barely mint green.
Other things I've done recently:
  • 3 birthdays, 3 birthday cakes...one was in the shape of a Lego man's head, which is what the 9-year-old requested

  • 1 field trip to the Fire Station, 1 field trip to the Zoo (with a group of 5 kids), 1 Spelling Bee, 1 elementary school graduation and awards ceremony

  • My biggest production of the year- a dramatic sign language performance, written and choreographed totally by me, with 35 signers and 500 in attendance

  • My second biggest production of the year- a Mother-Daughter Banquet, totally written by me, with 250 in attendance

  • The acquisition of dozens and dozens of new gray hairs

And that's where I've been.


Theresa said...

We LOVE John's Pizzeria!!!! We live in NJ, and take all out of town visitors there!! That is true NYC pizza!

~she~ said...

Wow...I'm truly jealous of your close proximity to John's! I will be visiting you soon so you can take me there! :)