This week has been my Migraine Week. Once a month, ever since my partial hysterectomy, I experience Migraine Week. It's kind of like Shark Week, but no one televises it. I don't have the light-blinding, vomiting, can't-function type of migraines. I have marathon migraines. Imagine if someone poked you in the arm, with some intensity, but not enough to hurt you. You would give them a dirty look and ask them to stop, but probably wouldn't punch them in the nose. Now, imagine that they did that for 5 or 6 days straight. That's what Migraine Week is like. By day 3 or 4, I'm ready to kill anyone who looks at me funny and concentrating at work is extremely difficult. I tried a seizure medication for maybe nine months or so, but there was no relief. The doctor had me double my dose, and said I could even take it up to triple the original dosage if this didn't work. I must say, I think the intensity is just a tad less, and now the headaches seem to respond ever so slightly to Excedrin. Anyone else experience this same debilitating issue?
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