I'm back on my soapbox today because I'm just getting so sick and tired of the dissension and division that is being created in this country. People speak of change and progression, yet I feel like we've been set back 100 years or more. Allow me to elaborate.
Obviously, racial dissension is at the forefront of everyone's mind. Why is it so incredibly strong suddenly? Did the majority of the population's opinion regarding race suddenly change? I don't believe that it has. I believe that tensions have been stirred up, unjustly, and that a whole lot of drama was created that shouldn't have been. For starters, I'm getting sick of being told that I'm racist. Because I'm white, it's automatically assumed that I don't like people with dark skin. Why? I'm not racist, and I'm quite offended at the insinuation that I am. I have black friends. I would never treat someone differently based on the color of their skin, yet society is drilling into me that it's natural for me to be racist because I'm white. I'm sick of it.
Even in my education classes, there is a section in every course about racial diversity. That's fine, I understand it must be addressed. What I have a problem with is when the course textbook says something like this:
Because you're going into education, odds are that you are a white woman. There is a disproportionate representation of white females in the profession. Because you are a white female, you will automatically harbor a bias against your black, male students. OK, guys- that really irritates me. Yes, I realize that the majority of my profession is made up of white females. My sons both entered a profession that is dominated by white males. Is that sexist? Nope. It is what it is. To be told that I will be slighted against black males is offensive. Just to be real with you, my least favorite students last year were the only two white females in my class. I don't even like admitting that, because we're not supposed to play favorites. Last year, my favorite student was D.D. He was a black male. The year before, it was J.T, black male. The year prior, I.A., another black male. So please don't tell me I'm biased against black males. Just don't.
It's not all racial though. Dissension is based on status as well. When I first returned to the education sector, I was in a different school. During my lunch shift, the staff ate lunch in a large lounge with one long table. Teachers sat at one end of the table and aides sat at the other. It was very segregated and it bothered me. I kind of sat in the middle because I wasn't sure what to do. The gym teacher who sat next to me literally turned her back to me the entire lunch period. It was actually kind of humiliating. Thankfully, that type of division doesn't happen at the school where I currently work. There is no difference between teachers and aides (for the most part). Everyone is basically

Political division is one of the worst right now. Too many individuals claim they are open minded, yet they follow everything their party tells them to do without considering how they really feel about it. If someone is of the opposite political party, they are automatically an idiot and a moron. Yeah, I'm really getting tired of that one too. I watched an interesting social experiment. An interview team walked around a public area to ask political questions of passers-by. First, they asked people their political affiliation and their thoughts about the opposing party. Then, they asked how they felt about a major issue, but they gave the credit to the opposing leader. Nine times out of ten, the individual agreed with the issue if they thought it was supported by their party. When they were informed that the opinion was held by the opposing party, they were shocked, embarrassed, or in denial. People have become so anchored to their party that they've allowed it to take away their identity. Being Democrat or Republican should not divide us the way it does.
Another big one is police officers and African Americans. Apparently they're not allowed to like each other any more. Why? Because society told them so. I won't go into this whole debate again; I've already done it.
I'd like to ask a favor to anyone who has made it this far in my blog post. If you notice society trying to divide you from others for any reason- social class, race, religion, ideals, nationality- don't allow it. Take a stand, use your brain, and speak from your own mind. In this world, why can't a white, female, Democrat janitor be friends with a black, male, Republican teacher where they coexist, get along, and no one hates anyone else? I know someone who had a Dream based on those ideals....
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