Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010
What's For Dinner?
So I thought I would start a segment of my blog called What's For Dinner? These will more than likely be simpler, plainer recipes because that's all we eat! But today I will start off with our most ethnic recipe. Hubby is Greek and I am Hungarian, so I do try to cook a few ethnic recipes.
PASTITSIO (Greek Lasagna)
Meat Mixture
6 T butter
2 T chopped sweet onion
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 lb. hamburger
1 29 oz. can tomato sauce
salt & pepper
dash cinnamon
In a large skillet, melt 2 T of the butter; saute onion and garlic until golden. Add remaining butter and crumbled hamburger; brown well. Add remaining ingredients and simmer.
Macaroni Mixture
3/4 lb. Greek macaroni
1/4 C butter, melted
6 eggs
1 C grated Parmesan cheese
In a large pot, bring water to a rolling boil; sprinkle with salt. Break macaroni into thirds, add to water and stir. Cook uncovered until tender, stirring occasionally. Drain thoroughly. Add butter and toss.
In a large bowl, beat 3 eggs well; add half of macaroni and 1/2 C cheese. Toss well. Layer into a greased 9x13" baking dish. Top with meat mixture. Repeat as above to combine remaining macaroni, eggs, and cheese; layer over top of meat mixture.
Bechamel Sauce
6 T butter
6 T flour
2 C warm milk
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 t salt
dash pepper
In a medium saucepan, melt butter; blend in flour until smooth. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly, until thickened and smooth. Gradually stir in eggs; cook over very low heat until thickened. Add cheese, salt, and pepper. Spread bechamel sauce over macaroni; bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or until top is delicately browned.
*My Recipe Notes:
-There is nowhere local that sells Greek macaroni. So I use 3 C elbow macaroni instead.
-The bechamel sauce is a little temperamental. I would recommend giving your full attention while making this sauce. I do make the meat and macaroni mixtures at the same time though.
-It takes much longer that 25 minutes for the top to brown in my oven. Be patient but keep your eye on it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Grandma's Potato Salad
Grandma always brought potato salad to any family event. Hers was by far the best in the whole world and no one could make it like her. (Some thought they could, but NOPE!) Mom made the best macaroni salad, Aunt E made the best almond chicken, Nanny made the best ham, and I made the best chocolate chip cookies. But no one could touch Gram's potato salad!
We noticed Gram was starting to slip when the potato salad started tasting differently. She forgot the celery. She added apples this time (what's up with that?). She added powdered creamer (which actually tasted quite well). Then eventually, Grandma stopped making potato salad. The last time she made it, Gramps had to follow her around the kitchen and ask questions like, "Now, don't you put eggs in that? First we have to boil them."
Gram is still with us but is suffering from pretty severe dementia. So in a way, "she" is not really with us. The Grandma that we all loved and admired has turned into a different person. But we still love and admire her. I think she's my favorite person who ever lived. That's why I named my first daughter after her.
How is my potato salad? It's not Gram's. I put too many onions in it. (Aww, man!) I wish I had the pretty cut glass dish she used to always put it in. I just might have to ask for that next time I go see her. Maybe I'll take her some potato salad.
This is one recipe I can't share with you. It's Gram's and it's special.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Fwd: Fwd: Fwd:...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It had to be done...
My "plate" has been so full lately and I feel like I've neglected my husband and children. But hubby should be happy to come home to a clean, sweet smelling house and homemade oatmeal cookies. (Mine are the bomb, by the way!)
Enjoying "Brown Eyed Girl" on iTunes while I type. It's a beautiful day here and I just got in the mood to go outside and enjoy it!
Oatmeal Cookies
1 C packed light-brown sugar
1 C granulated sugar
2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
2 eggs
1 t vanilla
3 C oats
1 C + 2T flour
1 t baking soda
1 t baking powder
Preheat oven to 350. Combine sugars and butter in a mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla; mix to combine. In a separate bowl, combine oats, flour, soda, and powder; stir to combine. Add to butter mixture. Mix on low speed just to combine, 15 seconds.
Use a large or small scoop to form balls of dough. Bake until golden and just set, about 14 minutes. Remove from oven and cool 4-5 minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. Enjoy!
Monday, March 15, 2010
American Idol Elimination Night
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday Morning Tradition

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Another Earthquake in Chile

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Remnants of a Snowman...
Think Spring!
I Don't Homeschool
I must have "the look." Upon meeting people for the first time, they are typically shocked that I have four children. (I look somewhat young for my age and we got started early.) One of the first questions they usually ask is, "Do you homeschool?" Why is it that people associate having more than the average 2.5 children with homeschooling? Just because I'm crazy enough to keep having kids means that I'm crazy enough to homeschool? (Ha...kidding!)
If homeschooling if your thing, that's great. But it's not for me. Socialization is very important to me. Kids who are homeschooled tend to be on the odd side. Yes, I know that they have social groups for home schooled kids to interact with other homeschooled kids. But having the odd interact with other odd? Hmmmm...doesn't work for me. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. I know a family of six who homeschool and they are very pleasant, normal people.
I know I can't give my children the same advantages that the public education system and multiple skilled teachers can give them. And I have a college degree in education. I don't know how typical parents do it. I think I would lose my mind!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My First Post
I, too, wanted to share my thoughts with the world. The small children I stay home with each day are not too interested in my opinions. My thoughts are bubbling over and I needed a place to share them, even if they are just floating around alone in cyberspace. I hope they might be interesting to someone.