My family loves Trick-or-Treating, school Halloween parties, and pumpkin carving. But our all-time favorite Halloween tradition is going "Booing." Yes, boo-ing. If you've never heard of it, you definitely need to give it a try.
The first step to a successful Booing adventure is to fill 3 paper lunch sacks with Halloween treats: candy, pencils, baked goods, toys, etc. Fold each bag shut and staple the Boo! sheet on the front. Next, select 3 lucky recipients. We try to pick families with children who are likely to keep the tradition alive. Then, very quietly, approach their front door while the rest of the family hides, giggling in the car. Place the bag of candy on the porch so that the sign is visible and loudly rap on the door. Then you run as quickly as you can, ducking behind a bush or turning the corner. Sometimes the haunted family finds the bag right away. Sometimes, you'll drive by hours later, only to see the bag patiently waiting to be found on the door stoop. It's a great rush and clean family fun! The poem requests that the finder pays it forward...finding 3 more people to Boo!
The poem reads as follows:
The Halloween Phantom haunts you happily from now through Halloween,
And was delivered by a friend who was not seen.
The spirit of the neighborhood has come to wish you well,
Someone, somewhere, selected you to receive this happy spell.
You must display the Phantom on your door so all can spy
That you’re already haunted by this happy little guy.
Then fix 3 sacks with goodies like the one given to you,
Ring someone’s bell and leave a bag and make them happy too!
Happy Halloween!
Download the ghost picture
here.Have you ever heard of or taken part in this activity? I'd love to hear from you!