And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
In the backyard
With kids climbing all over,
And even while babysitting.
Wherever you may be today, enjoy your rest.
Yesterday morning was D-Day. I don't know why I was dreading this challenge. You'd think I'd be a pro by now...I've successfully trained three other kids. But I was kind of freaking out about this. Maybe it's because this event confirms that my final child is no longer a baby. I struggle with the fact that I'll never cradle a newborn of my own again.
To put it mildly, the beginning was pretty rough. The first half hour, Baby Girl was enthralled with the new potty, she wanted to sit, stand, sit, stand and open and shut the lid. I was paranoid she was going to spill the few tablespoons of liquid already in the potty...she was not thrilled with me emptying it after every little tinkle. Then, she got to the point where she refused to sit on the potty or wear panties. I became firm and demanded that it was one or the other. She finally resorted and did both, alternately. I longed for her nap time to arrive for a much needed sanity break! Of course, I put her back in a diaper for nap...we don't have Pull-Ups yet (I hate them anyway).
After nap, things went extremely well. She had very limited accidents and finally started to pick up on the fact that she was rewarded with a mini marshmallow every time she did itty-bitty tinkles on the potty. Then it was time to pick up her siblings from school. I debated about how to handle this task. If I put her in a diaper, I just might ruin all my work up to this point. So I decided to take a chance with panties. I did grab a baby lap pad to place between those tiny panties and her car seat. To my amazement, she made it there and back without an accident (twice...junior high gets out before elementary school)! But once the kids were home, things took a turn for the worse. She was too focused on playing with them and started having frequent accidents. I finally banned them from the first floor of the house and told them to leave us alone. That worked.
She had her last accident of the night around 5:30 PM; she even made it through dinner. But she was hesitant to go potty after dinner so probably let out a bladderful as soon as I diapered her for the night.
I was very proud of our success up to this point. The key is perseverance. You don't know how tired I was of sitting on that hard wood floor all day. There were so many things I knew I could be doing. She tried my patience on multiple occasions but I didn't throw in the towel. Hopefully today will go even better and we will be on the road to a DIAPER-FREE HOME soon!!! OK, those three words were enough to give me the necessary strength to make it through this!!!