(Originally written Monday, not posted until today due to laziness.)We survived. The days after Christmas are always a little sad for me. It's actually over. It takes months to prepare and it's over in just a few hours. But then, I smile and think to myself
It's finally over! So here is my Plus and Minus list for today.
Christmas: The Days After
+ I don't have to wrap any more presents for a long time!
- Now that the magic of Christmas is past, we are just at the beginning of the very long season of winter.

+ We still have plenty of Christmas baked goods. I made Peanut Butter Blossoms, Chocolate Crinkles, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, and Red Velvet Cupcakes. I was also able to bring home some of Grandma's Peppermint Brownies and my Aunt's Sugar Cookies. Recipes, anyone?
- I put on a little weight while I was down with my bum ankle. These delicious home-baked sweets are not going to help that situation at all!
+ Hubby was extra thoughtful this year. I am now the owner of an iPod Nano (my first iPod), a huge, adorable, red speckled stock pot, a Nikon Cool Pix camera, a lamp, and 2 pairs of pajamas that are too small.
- I figured out why Target's pajamas cost $15 and Victoria's Secret's cost $50. I requested that Hubby abstain from his annual VS purchase because they are so darn expensive. But the set he bought from Target would fit a 10-year old girl and look like they will last maybe a dozen washes. I have VS jammies that are easily six years old. Next year, I may just allow him to splurge.
+ My kids received so many neat toys that should hold their attention throughout this long, cold winter.
- My kids received so many toys that will clutter the house, break prematurely, make loud noises, and cause fighting.
+ I am thrilled to have all the boxes and bags put away and all the trash removed from the house. My house is finally to the "livable" point.
- This huge Christmas tree in the middle of my living room window is getting on my nerves.
+ My house will look so open and clean when I get all the Christmas clutter down.
- My house will look so bare and empty when I get all the Christmas decorations down.
+ The kids are still off school.
- The kids are still off school.
+ Our Christmas schedule changed this year, allowing us more time for opening and enjoying gifts and relaxing while enjoying each other's company. I cherish the memories of sitting down with my four children on Christmas morning, reading the Christmas story from Luke 2.
- Hubby is sick and went to bed at 6:00 PM tonight.
+ I know I'm due to be sick.
+/- I have about 360 days before we have to do this all again.