
~my thoughts about life~

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Big Loser?

I am the fattest I've ever been.  No, really!  I knew I had put on some weight through the holidays (have you SEEN that food I've been cooking lately???) but I wasn't prepared for how much.  Against my will, I stepped on the scale to see how much damage had been done.  Mouth gaping open, I discovered that I was 11 lbs. heavier than my official heaviest!  Woe is me!  I didn't even want Hubby to know...I was so embarrassed by it.  But I know exactly how it happened...I've been eating like a complete crazy lady!

Since I've gotten older (and had 4 kids), my weight distribution has shifted.  In my younger days, I used to carry it all in my face and chest.  Now my face is still thin, which is why I think I got so heavy before I noticed it.  My arms, legs and hips are in descent shape.  All my weight is in my stomach and chest.  I'm actually worried that someone is going to ask my when I'm due.  That's how bad I look. 

Then the other day, I put on a shirt I've worn many times.  It was fine standing up.  But when I sat down, this ocean of fat exploded upward making huge waves and rolls and busting through my buttons.  That's the moment I decided I had to do something about it.  But I left the shirt on all day.  My uncomfortableness was a constant reminder that I had to get serious and get something done.  Also, who wants to eat when their clothes are entirely too tight to sit down?

So I'm ready for a plan.  I would like to lose 20 lbs.  I lost a good amount of weight one other time in my life so I'm going to try the same technique.  Here are my rules:
  1. Stop eating like a crazy woman!
  2. Breakfast will consist of cereal with skim milk (Which is what I was doing anyway.  So no change there.)
  3. No snacks between breakfast and lunch.
  4. Lunch will consist of something low fat.  (Last time, I did turkey sandwiches with no cheese or condiments.  This time I might go for low-fat vegetable soup.  I like it and it sounds good to me right now.  When I get sick of that, I might give the turkey sandwiches a try again.)  No chips with lunch, no dessert after lunch.
  5. One reasonable snack between lunch and dinner.  (Snacks are my worst problem.  I'm home all day so I tend to munch throughout the day.  I get a serious tummy rumbly when I don't snack between meals.  But this needs to stop!)
  6. Dinner will be normal.  I just need to have portion control. 
  7. I have to cut out fattening things like mayonnaise, cheese, pepperoni, chocolate...all the good stuff.
  8. Desserts are a no-no.  (I'm starting to cry now.)
  9. Water gets hit big time.  Only one glass of tea at meals is allowed.  (Also, I've changed how I'm drinking my tea.  I fill my glass almost to the top with unsweetened blackberry tea.  Then I just put a splash of sweet tea at the top so I don't spew out the bitter, unsweet tea.  I'm trying to gradually get myself drinking it without any sugar.)
  10. Start running again as soon as the weather breaks.  (I think that was a big contributing factor.  All summer and into the fall, I ran a lot.  Then winter arrived and I became sedentary.  I'm training for another marathon so I will have to start running again.  That will definitely help!)
If I can stick to this hard core, I think I can reach my halfway goal in a couple months.  I'm not the kind of person to try crazy cabbage soup diets to try to lose 10 lbs. in a week.  I have a close friend who has tried every fad diet there is.  She does tend to lose weight quickly but puts it all right back on again.  I can't be that kind of person.  I just have to be realistic.  If I change how I eat and change how much I move, I will see a difference.

I will share my results with all of you, hoping it will make me stick to the plan.  Anyone else want to suffer in misery with me?  We could share updates once a week...?


Theresa said...

Good luck!! I have been noticing some unpleasantness with age too! My diet has not changed, but the belly fat just seems to grow. I have an appointment for a physical and I am going to ask my doctor about it.

k said...

I'll read anything you post and offer support anyway possible.

When I was doing WW, I would sometimes--when putting them on in the morning--keep a pair of ill-fitting pants on. The pinchiness helped keep in check and, even now, the mental picture of how they fit will sometimes keep me from eating more than I know I should (and I can eat A LOT).

Good luck--you can totally do this.

~she~ said...

Thanks, gals! Glad to hear that you beautiful ladies struggle/have struggled with the same thing. It's those darn kids we've had, I think! :) I've been very good so far...no broken rules yet! Because I know if I break a rule, I have to confess it to all of you!

imagesisee.blogspot.com said...

I'm with ya on the redistribution of weight and being unhappy with my current weight. But here's what I've learned recently.

I was on Nutri-system for one month--It was so amazing how well it worked. But here's the secret, I think. Breakfast was small, for example a small portion of oatmeal or dry cereal with skim milk PLUS a small amount of protien (I ate 1-2 pieces of thinly sliced turkey). Then at mid-morning, a small snack. At lunch I ate one of their meals, then a small snack in mid-afternoon. Then the dinner they provided.

The point being--portion control. Small portions 5 times a day, but making sure you have some protien at breakfast. The pounds flew off. I often felt hungry, but because I knew I had eaten properly, I wasn't grabbing for more food. After a while my stomach got used to the amount I was eating and it wasn't so bad.

I was also told by my chiropractor that there are two tricks: when you get up in the morning, start moving right away, ie. vacuum, walk up and down the stairs, go for a walk outdooors, and eat soon after getting up (don't wait till 10 if you get up at 7 for example).

Hope this helps a little and good luck with your efforts.

~she~ said...

I've always heard to eat 5 small meals over 3 large meals. I'm mostly trying to get myself out of the habit of eating constantly. Now I feel hungry all the time. I know that will pass when my body gets used to it. Just now, in fact, I munched on some baby carrots even though I already had my snack. But I figured that was OK since veggies are "free" in Weight Watchers. I think that's a good plan too but I'm too cheap.

Mimsie said...

Your plan sounds very sensible. I agree with the others that portion control is key. My weakness is eating when I am not hungry, often in the evening. Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!

Lena! said...

Good luck to you! I know all about the belly bulge and am struggling to take off my last 10 pounds... but it doesn't help that I too have been eating like a crazy woman! I will look to you for inspiration - now if only you could do the 30 minutes of cardio for me too ;)

Cupcake Mama said...

I hear ya. I have been hitting the sugar hard since losing my job. I have to be stopped. The last time I lost weight was by increasing my protein so egg whites with my alternative bagel for breakfast and egg whites when I was feeling hungry mid morning. Then a sandwich with wheat bread and extra meat for lunch. I need to get back on it before I get depressed.

Madeline Elizabeth said...

OH quit beating yourself up! It sounds like a great plan though!
I can't wait to see the updates!